custom velvet jewelry boxes wholesale Small watermelon cultivation skills

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  1. jewelry making kit wholesale supplier Small watermelon is a variety of watermelon. How can small watermelons grow? Let's take a look at the small watermelon planting technology carefully recommended for everyone, I hope to help you.

    M small watermelon cultivation skills
    Small watermelon has the advantages of small melon -shaped, thin skin, high sugar, good taste, early listing, high planting benefits, and small family consumption and other. Plant by the grower.

    . Covering rainproof

    Covering rainproof cultivation is a necessary measure for small watermelon peel and easy -to -crack. For some varieties with high toughness and cracking fruits, such as black beauty, they can cultivate the open field. Some places use the dry season to cultivate, but there are certain risks.

    . Fertilization of land

    The deep land can deepen the cultivation, improve the physical properties of the soil, and improve the growth environment. Combined with farming and reversing base fertilizers, the base fertilizer is mainly composting, and it is better to apply the appropriate amount of fertilizer. It is better to apply some cake fertilizer. Due to the different absorption and utilization rate of various fertilizers, generally 10 kg of pure nitrogen, 13 kg of phosphorus, and potassium 10 kilograms per acre. The absorption of nutrients during the watermelon seedlings is very small, and the amount of fertilizer absorbing during fruit swelling has increased rapidly. The amount of fertilizer accounts for 30%to 40%of the amount of fertilizer.

    . The watermelonin is applied

    The watermelonin can make the seedling period 1 day in advance, increase the seedling rate by 10%, increase the melon rate by 7%to 10%, increase yield of 6.5 6.5 %To 21%, adding a sweet 0.69 degrees. Applying method: First, use watermelonin 300 to 500 times liquid for 12 hours; the second is to use watermelonin 200-300 times liquid in the watermelon seedling period, melon period, and puffed melon leaf surface. 40 kg, spray 50-75 kg per mu during the melon and puffing period.

    . Four, scarcity vines

    Small watermelon is suitable for rare planting, leaving more vines multiple times. In the early days of the promotion of small watermelons, climbing was more cultivated. The greenhouse span 4 to 4.5 meters, divided into two high -psorians, with an average row spacing of 2 to 2.5 meters, and 33 to 50 cm. Planting about 600 seedlings per acre, light or non -pruning. With the improvement of cultivation technology, the density of planting has become smaller. 400 to 500 plants per acre should be planted, and the way of pruning is changed to multiple vines (4 to 5 vines), which reduces the number of plants and increases single plant vines. Essence The Lunan area of ​​Shandong Province is cultivated with a 4.5 -meter span greenhouse with a small watermelon, with a line spacing of 2.25 meters, 4 vines, 66 cm spacing, and 450 seedlings per mu.

    . Fertilizer watering

    The amount of small watermelon general fertilizer is reduced by about 1/3 than ordinary watermelon, and it is difficult to apply too much. Early maturing cultivation on the basis of 1500 kg of organic fertilizer per acre, 25 kg of overlapping calcium phosphate, and 30 kg of ternary compound fertilizer. If the water is insufficient, the water should be appropriately supplemented before the puff. After most of the first batch of melons harvested, the second batch of melons should be picked up when the melon began to expand, mainly potassium and nitrogen fertilizer, and added some phosphorus fertilizer at the same time. , Water over the soil after application. When most of the second batch of melons have been harvested and the third batch of melons begins, the previous application amount and fertilization method are used to pursue and appropriately increase the number of watering times. Due to the different batches of fruits on the plants, and the plant itself has stronger distribution of water and nutrients, the cracks are reduced. If the weather is raining continuously, you should seize the melon to deepen the dredging of the longitudinal ditch, reduce the amount of water holding the field, change the soil permeability, and promote the vitality of the roots.

    . Control of the length

    . If the watermelon appears as long as the seedling stage, it can be sprayed with 15%polyzole 15-20ppm; 15%polyzolezole 200-300PPM solution can be sprayed, which can inhibit the growth of melon and side vines, prevent long -term, increase planting density, and increase the yield. To control long.

    7. Scientific pruning

    The small watermelon pruning method: First, the 6 -leaf duration of the main vine top, the vines are retained after 3 to 5 grows similar to similar growth. Ziman, make it grow parallel, remove the remaining vines and grandson formed on the formation of the predecessor of the fruit. This kind of pruning method eliminates the top advantage. At the same time, flowering and results are neat and neat. The second is to retain the main vines and retain 2 to 3 vines at the base, forming 3 or 4 vines, remove the remaining vines and the grandson that happened in front of melon. The main vines appear earlier, and it is expected to make melon in advance, but this whole way of pruning affects the growth and cherry of the vines, the melon is uneven, affecting the product rate of the product, and increasing the difficulty of cultivation management. Part of the cracked melon.
    The planting knowledge of small watermelon
    -built sheds in the whole land

    The field blocks with high terrain and convenient discharge irrigation to build large sheds. Watermelon and gourd family crops. The shed is 1.8 meters or more, 6-7 meters wide, and the greenhouse is covered with 0.5-0.6 mm thick. The middle trench is divided into 2 planting pupa, the trench width is 30 cm, and the depth is about 15 cm. After the base fertilizer is applied 1 week before the planting, the noodles are flat, and each simple plastic soft drip irrigation is laid.

    . Selection of varieties

    general selection of small and medium -sized watermelon varieties with low temperature resistance, weak light, strong continuous fruit sitting ability, and normal expansion and mature at low temperature, such as, such as, for example,, such as, for example, Such as early Jiajia (84-24), early spring red jade, Wanfulai, Nabit, Jingxin No. 1 and other varieties.

    . Cultivation of strong seedlings

    Cultivating strong seedlings is the basis for planting small watermelon long seasons. Generally, seedlings in the middle of January. Due to the earliest seedlings, the seedlings must be covered with a multi -layer covering the heat -to -heat line for seedlings. See the seedbed for many years without planting melon blocks, and place an electric heating line at 60-70 watts per square meter under the seedbed in front of the nutritional bowl. Others are managed with conventional seedbed. The seeds are sowed 0.3-0.5 cm after germination, and 1 capsule was sown per bowl. After covering the soil, a layer of ground membrane is placed, and it is covered with a 1-2 layer of small sheds on the top of it. After sowing, turn on the electric line to warm up, and keep the soil temperature in the nutritious bowl 25-30 ° C. Generally, seedlings can be emerged in 2-3 days. After the seedlings come out, the ground membrane is removed to control the temperature and humidity. Keep 20-25 ° C during the day and 15-18 ° C at night. When the weather is fine, the electric heating line is generally not required during the day.

    . Planting timely

    Is when the soil temperature in the greenhouse is stable at 12 ° C or above, you can choose sunny days. When planting, the watermelon is suitable for 3 leaves and 1 heart. When planting, one line is planted in each cab. The Chinese fruit types such as early good (84-24), the plant spacing is 60-70 cm, and 300-400 plants are planted every 667 meters. 50 cm, 400-500 plants every 667 meters. After planting, a small arched shed is covered.

    . The management of shed temperature

    The watermelon is glory and warm, and high temperature should be maintained in the shed. When the weather is fine, 3 layers can be covered (greenhouse, small arch sheds, and ground membranes). When the cold wave comes, it needs to be covered with a layer of film between the greenhouse and the small arch shed. During the process of planting to survival, it is mainly based on closed thermal insulation, promoting the cause of the root system favorable. After survival, the shed temperature of the vine period is controlled at 28-30 ° C, and the flowering period is controlled at 25-28 ° C. Ventilation and cooling generally rely on the cover of small arch sheds in the early spring seasons.

    . The whole branches

    The watermelon of greenhouses generally uses three vines. That is, when the main vine grows to 50 cm, start 2 side vines and grow parallel through the vines. In the future, 2-3 descendants are selected for each melon layer. Generally, the main vines will not top up, so that they will naturally collect the vines.

    . The management of fertilizer and water

    The fertilizer fertilizer and diligent in pursuit of fertilization. Especially in July and August, the temperature is high, the growth is fast, and the amount of fertilizer and water requires a large amount of fertilizer and water. It is best to use liquid fertilizer.

    ① Apply fertilizer fertilizer: 1,000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer per 667 meters, 30 kg of sulfur sulfur compound fertilizer, 25 kg of overlavate, 15 kg of potassium sulfate for base fertilizer, comprehensive sprinkle Deeply turning in people's soil.

    ② Seeing the seedlings of the seedlings: The strong potential of the seedlings is generally not extended;

    ③ Apply a good melon fertilizer: In order to help the second batch of melons, the melon fertilizer should not be too early. Generally, when the watermelon mouth is large, it is required to apply 15-20 kg of sulfur three yuan compound fertilizer every 667 meters to dilute in the water for drip irrigation. The first batch of melon is harvested again.

    ④ Apply to regulate the descendants: The fertilizer is the key to regulating the growth of the descendants. As the temperature gradually increases after July, the melon vines grow rapidly, and the amount of water requires large water. The fertilizer should be applied the next day after harvesting watermelon to promote the growth of descendants. In July and August, the number of fertilizers should be appropriately increased to ensure fertilizer and water supply. The amount of fertilizer is generally applied per 667 meters 2 yuan compound fertilizer 15-20 kg 0.3-0.4 kg of potassium dihydrogen phosphate 200-250 kg of water. For a lot of melon, the leaves should be applied to the leaves.

    The fertilizer time after 3 pm, it is better to delay fertilization at about 7 pm in the high temperature season.

    eight, sparse melon

    through sparse melon, watermelon fruit type can be neat and improved productivity and quality. After pollination, the pollination standard should be made. When the watermelon grows to the table tennis for a long time for sparse melon, it is generally required to keep 2-3 melons per plant. When sparse melon, pay attention to reserved round melons, remove sick melon, weak melon, and deformed melon. When the first batch of melons reached about 1 kg, the second batch of female flower pollination was performed.

    . The prevention and treatment of pests and insect pests

    The greenhouse planting due to lush branches and poor air circulation. Early with 10%pheoprid wettable powder, 1500-2000 times liquid or 25%anti-aphidal milk oil 3000 times solution was used to prevent and control it early. Prevention. Do not miss the dead corner when spraying drugs, otherwise it will spread and affect growth and fruit development and quality.

    The main diseases are white powder and anthracnose. Biological prevention can be sprayed with 150 times liquid spray of 1%martial plain water or 2%agricultural resistance 120 water at the beginning of the onset; chemical prevention can be used separately Pluffal Ningxin, Magiso and Bacteria Clear, Molding Pharmaceuticals.

    This, timely harvest

    because the watermelon of the greenhouse is low in the early stage, so the maturity time is long, and the first batch of melons is generally matured in about 35 days; as the temperature rises, the temperature rises, and the temperature rises, and the temperature rises, and the temperature rises, and the temperature rises, and the temperature rises. The maturity time is accelerated, and the second batch of melons mature at 30-33 days; in the middle and late period of 25-28 days, it can mature. When picking melon, it can be harvested according to the skin color and pollination standard date. The harvest should be carried out in the morning and cut it with scissors.
    The main points of small watermelon planting
    1 variety selection

    Small watermelon is generally cultivated as a protective ground, which requires our purpose to choose varieties. According to market demand, choose varieties with fast growth, melon, and excellent quality under low temperature conditions, such as Yimei in Yuyuan, early spring red jade.

    2 Cultivation season

    Due to the short growth period of small watermelon, it can be cultivated throughout the year. At present, it is mostly produced in production precocious land and autumn delay cultivation. The specific cultivation season can be determined according to local warmth, light, heat and protection of land facilities. For example, the cultivation of sunlight greenhouse in Henan region can be sowed from late December to early January, and planted in mid -February, and harvested around May 1st; plastic greenhouse cultivation can be sowed in mid -to -late January, and planted at the end of February to mid -March. List in the middle of the year. The cultivation of greenhouses must be covered with 3 to 5 layers of membranes to prevent cold and insulation and promote the normal growth of seedlings at low temperature. You can also be cultivated in the autumn of the greenhouse. It can be sowed in mid -to -late July and was planted in early August. It was listed around the National Day.

    3 sowing seedlings

    3.1 Soaking the seeds of germination small watermelon is small, the seeds are thin, and the planting time should not be too long. Stam with 55 ° C water first, keep stirring until the room temperature, soak the seeds for 3 to 4 hours, wash the mucus on the surface of the seeds and dry the water, wrap it with a wet wool towel, place it in the environment of 28-30 ° C environment. Remove germination.

    3.2 The seedlings of the seedling sheds before sowing the seedling sheds to keep the film insulation, and pour the nutritional soil of the bowl through the bottom water. The sowing time is suitable for the afternoon of the sunny day, 1 bowl of 1, the seeds are flat, and the nutrient soil is covered with 0.5 to 1 cm after sowing, and the ground membrane is covered. When most seeds are unearthed, the membrane should be unveiled. After the seedlings, the day temperature should be controlled at about 25 ° C, and the night temperature should be 15-18 ° C to prevent high -footed seedlings. The first real leaves should be appropriately increased to promote growth. Stop watering from 5 to 7 days before planting, and refine the wind. In the autumn extension, the seedling stage is at a high temperature season. Pay attention to shading and cooling and moisturizing. This period of the seeds is fast, the seedlings grow fast, and the seedling age should not be too large. Generally, it is appropriate to be 10 days.

    4 sowing

    This Early maturing cultivation requires about 50 days of seedlings for seedlings, and small seedlings are easy to form stiff seedlings due to low ground temperature. The planted plot should be selected with low groundwater level, convenient discharge irrigation, and no melon crops for more than 3 years. 2,000 to 2500 kg of organic fertilizer and 30 kg of compound fertilizer are required per mu before planting. The temperature of the soil in early spring should be stabilized above 15 ° C, the temperature is above 12 ° C. Choose a sunny day, and the summer planting should be carried out in the evening.

    The small watermelon promoted in China mostly grows stronger growth. At the same time, in order to increase the yield, it is necessary to plant a lot of seedlings. Therefore, it is necessary to properly plant it. The ground -type cultivation is 180 to 200 cm wide, and the plant spacing is 60 cm. The four vines are used, and 550 to 600 plants can be planted per acre. The middle of the vertical shelf cultivation is 80 cm wide, and two rows are planted. The widths on both sides are 120-150 cm wide. 1 row is planted. The plant spacing is 35-40 cm. The density of planting should not be too large, otherwise it is easy to cause crazy seedlings and not easy to sit in melon.

    5 field management

    5.1 The temperature and humidity management will only unveil the grass curtain within 3 days before planting. Before May, it usually only ventilates at noon temperature at noon, and is kept above 15 ° C in the evening. As many as possible, ventilation and cooling at noon, pay attention to gradually increase the amount of ventilation from small to large. Close the shed in rainy days and keep the coverage as much as possible at noon to see the light to prevent the pride. After the autumn delay, the shed film is covered with the shed film and ventilate. It is mainly to prevent the sun and sunstream sun cooling. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent drought and moisturizing, and promote the growth of seedlings.

    5.2 Fertilizer and water management Master lightly applied seedlings fertilizer, applied to extend the vine fertilizer, control the fertilizer water during the flowering period, and after the fruit, the large hypertrophic water promotes the expansion of the fruit. Before sitting in watermelon, according to the growth of the plant, generally do not pursue it, especially before and after the flowering period, prevent the fruit from sitting on the long time. Only when the growth is poor, the fast -acting fertilizer is appropriately applied when the early growth is slow. The puff is kept moist during the field, but it does not accumulate water, and the water is controlled 7 days before harvesting. Otherwise, irrigation will easily cause cracks to affect the quality of melon.

    5.3 The small watermelon of the whole pruning and the vine greenhouse grows strong. 2 vines or 3 vines are generally used. In order to improve precocity, the main vine and the thickest one or two side vines are retained, and the rest of the vines are removed. The first time the whole pruning should not be too early, otherwise it will affect the growth potential. Generally, the whole pruning starts at 60 to 80 cm of the vines and performs 2 to 3 times. The advantage of this whole pruning is that female flowers appear early, and the results can be listed early. The disadvantage is that the results period is extended, and the fruit is mature and inconsistent. Another method is to top up in the 6 -leaf period. Choose 3 to 5 vines that grow similarly to remove the remaining vines and Sun Man. The advantages of this whole pruning are similar results, neat fruit and high commodity. When the suspension is cultivated, it should be used to fix the vines or pull the rope when the vines are 40 cm long to prevent the vines from being blown by the wind and affect the photosynthetic effect.

    5.4 Premature cultivation of fruit protection places Due to the low temperature of the pollination period, there are few gourds in male flowers, you need to use other large fruit types of male flower pollination to facilitate melon. Sit a melon. The second female flower of the main vine can be removed early. When the plant is long, the sauce can be lower, suppressing the strength, and the weak growth in the early stage. The appearance of running melon not only pushed melon, but also delayed harvesting, but also the fruit shape of the watermelon is not as positive, large, thick, hollow and fiber. The amount of fruits can be dependent on the vines. Generally, the double vines leave 1 or 2 fruits, the three vines leave 2 fruits, the four vines leave 3 fruits, and the five vines leave 4 fruits.

    6 diseases and insect pests

    For leaf blight and anthracnose during the growth period of watermelon growth, 60%anti -mold 500 times solution or 80% Dasheng 800 times liquid, once every 1 week, 2 to 4 consecutive times. For epidemic diseases and vine blight, 64%anti -virus alum 600 times or 72%gram dew was sprayed at the beginning of flowering, and once a week, it can be 2 to 4 times a week. After transplantation, the withered disease was used to prevent the roots of 600 times the roots of 40%melon. At the beginning of the onset, the Green Heng No. 1 10 grams and the Green Heng No. 2 were mixed with 40 grams. Aphids can be sprayed with 2500 times nioprodacin or 1000 times liquid.

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