Is there anyone looking for a welder to find a job? Did I build a group and have it to join? Only Shaanxi 69547000

1 thought on “Is there anyone looking for a welder to find a job? Did I build a group and have it to join? Only Shaanxi 69547000”

  1. The price of welders is related to the length of the school and the length of learning. Organizer is a type of machinery manufacturing and mechanical processing. It is a very important type of work in the processing and manufacturing industry. At present, my country's processing and manufacturing industry lacks many talents in this area. The treatment of advanced welders is higher than white -collar workers.
    The welder requires professional qualification certificates and operating qualification certificates. The professional qualification certificate is divided into five types of primary, middle, high, technicians, and senior technicians. The operating qualification certificate is issued by the Security Supervision Bureau, a unified IC magnetic card, dividing the welding and thermal cutting operation, pressure welding operation, and welding operation.
    The salary of welders:
    The welders are a special industry. The salary is related to the qualification level, and it is also related to the working conditions environment. Generally, the building welders are about 200 yuan/day, the bridge welders are 300/day, and the pressure vessel welders are 500/day.
    OK, the little friends know how much the reference salary of the welder is.

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