5 thoughts on “Whether the stock chips of the stock are scattered or concentrated”

  1. The chips of stocks are better.
    The changes in the stock market are very fast. When we are trading, we are struggling with the dealer every time. In the viewer's opinion, whether in funds, information or talents, they have extremely significant advantages. As retail investors, we want to find out the dealer's buying and selling trend of the dealer's buying and selling trend as a fragmented message or the amount of funds on the surface. difficult. Does the method of increasing investment fault tolerance not exist? Of course! As long as the main force has occurred, even if only once, there will be marks on the chip distribution map. Therefore, today, let's analyze how the chip distribution maps in the stock market think, and how can we change our more, how can we change A good use of chip distribution maps can make better investment strategies. Before starting, you may wish to get a wave of benefits-the selected bull stock list of the institution is released. Do n’t miss it if you pass by: [Telling the Secret] The list of cattle stocks recommended by the institution is leaked, and the speed-speed terminal! Intersection Intersection
    . What is the chips in the stock market?
    The chips we understand are the circulation stocks that can be traded freely in the stock market. No matter how the stock price or the number of transactions changes, the total number of chips is constant during this period of time. The main force has chosen a suitable stock. When you want to start hype, buying stocks requires this behavior when you need to buy stocks at a low price. When they have enough stocks with enough power in their hands, the so -called control is to easily increase the price of the stock. The more the number of chips on the hand, the higher the level of the main control disk.
    . What are the reference functions of the chip distribution diagram?
    I. As the main intended to control the stock, you often go through the five stages of trial, suction, laundering, pulling, and shipment. There are 2-3 years. For a lot of retail investors, it is difficult to be patient to be able to wait for the arrival of the Lord to raise the waves. If you want to know which stage is the main force, you can take a look at the chip distribution chart to understand. Involving appropriately, it can have a very high probability to keep up with the rhythm of the main force. Not only can we judge the main control disk, we can also observe the method of the chip distribution diagram to grasp the effective support and pressure levels of individual stocks. When it is difficult to pass through the stress level, at the high -level reduction, the loss that will definitely bring to yourself when reducing the high -level recovery. Of course, it is still a difficult thing for stock trading. It is definitely not the best way to analyze by yourself. It is recommended that you use this nine major artifacts to help your investment decision: the nine major artifacts of stock trading will receive it for free (attached to the share) r r
    3. What should I think of the chip distribution diagram? What do you think?
    If you want to display the chip distribution chart, just click the "chip" in the upper right corner on the K -line diagram interface of this stock. Introduction:

    It is obtained by the figure. The chip distribution map consists of a yellow area, white area and green line. Among them, the profit disk is represented by yellow, and it is represented by white. However, the green line actually represents the average cost of chips. In fact, the range of chip charts is composed of a chip pillar with different lengths. Each horizontal chip pillar is actually the current price. Then, the length of the pillars is the corresponding transaction volume corresponding to this price, and the pillars grow in length. If a lot of trading volume appears around a transaction price, these transactions form a small hill, and we will call this kind of mountain chip peak.
    Shile, chip forms are divided into single -peak forms and multi -peak forms. The single -peak form represents that the chips are more aggregated, and the pressure and selling pressure are not large. This can fully explain that this position is the main cost price, which is very beneficial to the rising disk of the main force in the later period. Therefore, the stock is likely to be very likely Facing a wave of rising markets, it is recommended that investors involve in low intervention. Once there are multiple peaks in the chips, it is clearly said that the chips are not gathered, which is not conducive to the main control of the disk. In the later period, the main force may also grind the upper set of the upper disk by the disk, so investors are not recommended to buy this stock.

    Although the main behavior of the main force is analyzed according to the chip distribution diagram, it can indeed reduce the risk of investment, but it is necessary to combine the K -line, quantity, and negative advantages when appropriate. The message is measured further. If you don't know if the stock in your hand is good? Click on the next link to the test directly, and immediately get the diagnosis report: [Free] Test your current valuation location?

    The Answee time: 2021-09-02, the latest business changes are based on the data displayed in the link in the text, please click to view

  2. You cannot simply look at scattered and concentrated, but should look at the trend. If it is more and more concentrated, of course, it is good, indicating that the main force is collecting chips. When the main force is distributed in the future, there must be a pull -up process. In the process of increasingly scattered, it is not good.

  3. Concentration is the breeding of a round of market. Disization is the development of a round of market. The low -level concentration to divergent is a sign of the multi -market start. The high level is the opposite!
    It you can read this book!

  4. If the concentrated chips are locked, that is to say, the concentrated bargaining chips do not have the willingness to throw, of course, the chips are concentrated. for reference.

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